New shaders added to Eva Levante's stock in the Tower. And you can now preview them before buying them. Hurrah!
— Destiny & Halo (@MoreConsole) November 17, 2014
Why is the update so huge? Bungie said it adds "new playable spaces to support The Dark Below", the upcoming expansion. I expect we'll see plenty of videos showing players finding these new areas before they're supposed to.
Please note: The new Destiny update is a big one. Sorry for the wait as you install new playable spaces to support The Dark Below.
— Bungie (@Bungie) November 17, 2014
Here are the patch notes, as posted on
- Added a new social feature that enables users to access a channel for Team Chat
- Matchmade teammates will now be able to talk to each other in Strikes and team-based Crucible matches
- To learn more about how to toggle between chat channels, click here
- Fixed an issue in which two players who performed a melee lunge simultaneously would teleport through each other
- Fixed an issue in which Blink Strike damage would be caused by colliding with the Blink Strike, rather than melee impact
- Fixed an issue in which Warlock Bonds dismantled into Titan materials
- General
- Reduced camera shake when being hit with explosive rounds
- Perks:
- Clown Cartridge: Replaced Clown Cartridge perk with other perks in shotgun upgrade trees
- Headseeker: Fixed an issue in which the bonus Precision Damage perk did not always get applied
- Missions
- Buried City: Fixed an exploit in Mars that would clear all enemies from Clovis Bray
- Strikes
- Winter's Run: Fixed an exploit zone in the Aksor boss encounter
- Difficulty will scale less for 3-player Fireteams, making Strikes less deadly for them
- Heroics
- Fixed an issue in which engrams earned during Daily and Weekly Heroic activities were not displayed in the post-game carnage report
- Players must now be level 20 and above to lead an Iron Banner Fireteam
- Players below Level 20 can only accompany players above Level 20
- Lord Saladin now has 5 reputation ranks (increased from 3)
- New Features Added: Tempered Buff, Reforging
- For more detailed information, click here
- Fixed several issues with the synchronization of cinematic subtitles in various languages
- Combatants
- Fixed an issue in which Vex Cyclops and Hive Shrieker health bars would not update properly
- Reduced the number of Stealth Sword Vandals that spawn in the basement of the Terrestrial Complex on lower difficulties
- Events
- Public Events will occur 10-15% more frequently in all public spaces
- Increased the number of Bounty slots in the Inventory from 5 to 10
- Added shaders to Eva Levante's stock in the Tower
- Shader preview functionality added to vendor and inventory screens
- Emblems on vendors can now be previewed in the inventory screen
- Marks and Reputation icons and meters were adjusted to better differentiate the two
- Fixed an issue in which Strange Coins and Motes of Light would not route to the Postmaster if your inventory was full
- Fixed an issue in which engrams were not displaying the possible contents in the Cryptarch vendor menu
- Fixed an issue in which players did not receive Bounty or Mission credit when assisting in the killing of a Walker or Vex Cyclops
- Armor Stat upgrade potentials added to item compare on vendor and inventory screens
- General
- Enabled revive scoring for Skirmish and Salvage
- Fixed an exploit with revive scoring when entering a kill volume and having a teammate revive you for easy points
- Adjusted Join in-Progress settings for all playlists to minimize long periods of unbalanced teams due to players quitting out of matches
- Added new functionality to match pre-formed fireteams against each other
- This will slowly roll out to all playlists over time, but will start with the 3v3 playlists
- In 3v3 games, Fireteams of 2 or more players will match together more frequently
- In 6v6 games, Fireteams of 4 or more players will match together more frequently
- Won't Be Beat now triggers correctly when a team wins a game after coming back from a 500-point losing deficit
- Mark of the Unbroken no longer requires a minimum player count
- Sum of All Tears no longer requires a minimum player count
- Sum of All Tears should now trigger consistently
- First Light
- Implemented multiple fixes to stop players from getting into advantageous positions
- Blind Watch
- Addressed some balancing issues for the Control gametype by moving Zones, modifying routes, and adding cover objects
- Adjusted landing and respawn points to accommodate new geometry changes
- Added protection to prevent players from getting on top of a pipe high above the intended playable space
- Firebase Delphi
- Added protections to prevent players from getting outside the intended playable area between Control Zone A and the crane room
- Rusted Lands
- Blocked off the monitors above Control Zone A to prevent players from hiding in them
- Shores of Time
- Added a Vex pillar to prevent players from sniping through the small gap on the ninja platform
- Implemented multiple fixes to stop players from getting into unfairly-advantageous positions
- Exodus Blue
- Multiple fixes implemented to stop players from getting into advantageous positions, especially the giant hose reel near Control Zone A
- Fixed an issue with visibility culling behind Control Zone A
- Twilight Gap
- Adjusted landing points to keep players from fighting too soon in Rumble matches
- Added protections to prevent players from getting into unintended areas, for example, atop the security camera at Control Zone C
- Added geometry to fill in small gaps that let players see out of the world
- Improved the readability of Grenade and Melee recharge states
- Improved the visibility of objectives in the Motion Tracker
- Improved the visual look of Revive waypoint and Last Man Standing
- Added skull modifier descriptions to the Navigation Mode screen
- Fixed an issue in which the names of downed teammates did not always display on-screen
- Destiny version number to added to the Character Login screen
- Added dialog imagery for various events
- Fixed an issue in which new items available from the Special Orders vendor would not show up in the message count in the Director
- Fixed an issue in which a PlayStation Plus dialog was mistakenly shown when selecting a specific PVP activity
- Added countdown timers for weekly/special events
- Fixed various issues with Director animations
- Fixed an issue in which the Player/Inventory screen would sometimes close during certain parts of the spaceflight sequence
- Added the post-game carnage report for the previous games during Matchmaking search
- General
- Fixed an issue in which cursor speed in 4:3 and PAL was not consistent
- Roster
- Network Connection Quality Indicators now added to the Roster
- New icons added to the scoreboard and roster to indicate voice problems due to connection issues (NAT issues)
- Added support for direct fireteam joins from the roster on the Xbox One
- Inventory
- Updated Spinmetal, Relic Iron, and Helium Filaments icons to better represent in-game visuals
- Fixed and updated several inventory icons
- Fixed and updated several talent tree icons
- Improved audio cues for sticking others and being stuck with certain Grenades
- Fixed an issue in which an audio cue would not play when completing a Bounty
- Fixed an issue in which "Guardian down!" referenced the wrong gender in French, Spanish, and Portuguese
- Added the ability for the Bungie DOC to send in-game alerts and messages
- Fixed stability issues across all platforms
- Fixed an issue that would cause a rare crash during space flight into activities
- Improved patch installation process
- Implemented PS3-specific performance optimizations
- Fixed some issues causing beetle and lionfish Kicks to Orbit