Samsung recently unveiled plans to integrate its SmartThings connected home platform into all its SmartTVs in 2016. Now, it looks like it has built a remote to power your entire living room setup. Samsung's new Smart Control remote promises to let users control everything connected to their television sets, like video game systems and Blu-ray players. And, if Samsung's smart home ambitions include the remote, it may even let you control lights, cameras, and other devices baked into SmartThings. The Smart Control remote hasn't officially been unveiled yet, so we don't have a clear sense of its capabilities, limitations, or design. However, it's pretty reasonable at this juncture to guess that it'll compete directly with Logitech's Harmony remote, which already lets the owner control lighting, locks, and more right from their couch. Also, Samsung is touting its Tizen interface for the device, saying it'll make access to content quicker and more streamlined. Stay tuned; we should find out more as CES kicks into high gear.
May 2016
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