It's been nearly 70 years since George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 was published, but some of its premonitions are starting to sound straight out of 2015. Take this passage in Samsung's privacy policy for its data-collecting Smart TV services:
Vizio officially launched its P-Series 4K TVs last night, which start at $999 for a 50-inch set and go up to $2,499 for a 70-inch set — the first mainstream 4K TVs to be that aggressively priced. To celebrate, the company held a party in a New York art gallery, where the TVs were showcased playing high-resolution video art and in side-by-side comparisons to Samsung's 8500 series, which lists at $2,199 for a 50-inch set. "It's not only shipping an amazingly-priced 4K TV, but one that blows the competition away on picture quality," Vizio CTO Matt McRae told me.
May 2016
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