Apple has consistently said that the Apple Watch would launch in early 2015, and now we're getting more details on how that launch might play out. 9to5Mac's Mark Gurman (who just dropped a scoop on a potential new 12-inch MacBook Air) is back at it again, this time saying that the Apple Watch will launch in March, with retail training set to start in mid-February.
Apple released its WatchKit SDK today, giving us our first glimpse at how developers will build apps for its forthcoming smartwatch. If there's one main takeaway, it's that using the Apple Watch requires you to understand a huge library of new interactions. A (non-exhaustive!) list:
Mozilla's Webmaker app will make it easy for anyone to create Web apps on their smartphone10/26/2014 Mozilla is working on an app for Android, iOS and Firefox OS that gives smartphone users the ability to easily create and share Web apps.
The Apple Watch’s battery is rumored to last somewhere between 8 and 12 hours a day and you’ll have to charge it each night. Some people (bloggers, journalists and readers) seem to think that this means it won’t be able to track your sleeping patterns. That would give the Fitbit, Pebble and some other health trackers an advantage over the Apple Watch, as these can be worn at night and only need to be charged once a week or so.
Chinese rumor suggests Apple Watch to launch in February, sapphire to blame for low supply10/5/2014 Chinese site Feng is reporting that Taiwanese media is saying that Apple wants to launch the smartwatch sometime in February. Most recently, The Information said Apple would be “lucky” to release the Apple Watch by Valentine’s Day. Officially, Apple has only quoted ‘early 2015′ as a launch window for the Apple Watch.
May 2016
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