We have already given our clear demand to the management team of SONY, however, they have refused to accept. It seems that you think everything will be well, if you find out the attacker, while no reacting to our demand. We are sending you our warning again. Do carry out our demand if you want to escape us. And, Stop immediately showing the movie of terrorism which can break the regional peace and cause the War! You, SONY & FBI, cannot find us. We are perfect as much. The destiny of SONY is totally up to the wise reaction & measure of SONY.
A new message has been posted on GitHub, purporting to be from the Sony hackers and offering a fresh batch of sensitive corporate data. The message threatens further consequences if the studio continues with its release of "the movie of terrorism," believed to refer to The Interview, an upcoming comedy starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, which depicts the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. It's the most explicit reference to the film that the attackers have made so far, although many had previously linked the attacks to North Korean retaliation for the film's release. Over the weekend, Rogen and Franco had made light of the attacks on Saturday Night Live, sharing "leaked" photos as part of a skit, but it now appears their latest work is being directly targeted. The message is reproduced in full below: |
May 2016